Just Looking Around

Not sure what this will be once it is saved but I clicked some buttons and here I am!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

#12 Twitter I Think

OK maybe I'm missing something but I'm not impressed. Maybe this is something that takes time to do or to understand. Never was able to find other library staff. Tried under Books and only got or mostly got Publishers. I didn't find the following very interesting. Then I tried typing in librarians-got nothing, tried libraries and you can imagine the number that came up. Then I thought how about children's librarians and there was truly nothing that came up. I finally tried entering another phrase (I don't even remember what I typed) but got a children's library shelf something or other only it was another publisher I think, that was tweeting about her trips to Italy, etc which made me think -- I know I'm someone from the last century -- but I don't find this interesting enough to waste my time!

Oh well, I must confess I'm a closet All My Children fan even though I don't watch it very much at all anymore. I don't even record it because the back log of watching episodes was just too great. Anyway I did find an Allmychildren tweet thing that I could follow. I'll give it a try.

I think, mostly, I just feel guilty. I realize this is an "assignment" but I feel guilty "just looking around" at twitter, facebook, pandora, etc. I ask myself-am I wasting time? have I looked long enough or looked too long? I am clearly someone who needs lots of practice so if I'm going to help patrons, I better look around some more!

This may be my final post to this blog, not sure if I will attempt the extra credit. So for all you legions of followers (hahahahaha) farewell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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