Just Looking Around

Not sure what this will be once it is saved but I clicked some buttons and here I am!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wiki #6

OK so I've read about wikis and learned quite a number of things. Who knew anyone can be an expert about anything and then put what you know about out for anyone to read. The staff library wikis I looked at were very involved. And to think, everyone and anyone can contribute. It would be a big help but nice to know that a monitoring system seems to be built right in so that while everyone contributes, there will still be those who can oversee.

I did not create my own wiki. Believe me I don't know enough about anything to create something like that with any degree of expertise. I did look at a few. I like to do stained glass and found a stained glass wiki. Very interesting way to learn the history. Then I went to a card making wiki. Again very interesting. Do you know cards have been made since the ancient Chinese did it?

The one thing I'm learning about all this technology is that while it is trying to make our lives easier, you just need a whole lot of time to read all this stuff.

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